Scandi Table Runner

Well the hour went back today which is the ‘good’ way for me as it means I get up earlier without even trying! Consequently I managed to watch both Create and Craft Quilting programmes live!  I love the Sunday morning shows but I can never take advantage of the offers on screen as it’s usually Monday when I watch, which is, of course, a good thing for my bank balance!  However it’s still good to watch the demonstrations and learn techniques!  This morning I loved the rectangular scandi table runner and  circular scandi  table centre.  Both patterns were for sale but the patterns aren’t difficult and I decided to have a go by looking at the pictures on the website!

red and white cotton xmas type scandi fabric

mmm love new fabric!

Luckily I had some new scandi fabric from Abakhan which I have been trying to decide what to make with.  I love having new fabrics and dreaming of all the potential designs I could make and I seem to spend far too long at this stage instead of getting on with actually creating!   This is lovely fabric too – quite thick and easy to use in patchwork as it sort of stays still while you piece it – unlike my favourite Liberty Tana Lawn which is beautiful but flimsy.


But today wahoo –  I made a decision!  Here is my attempt at a Scandi table runner for Xmas!  It’s not finished – the binding is only sewn at the front edge at the moment.

Table Runner in Red, Cream and Green Scandi Fabrics

Xmas Table Runner

So one more thing nearly ready for the xmas fair!  I seem to have settled into a nice evening crochet habit recently, but tonight it’s over to Handmade Monday instead, for my evening stroll round all the lovely blogs over there!  Oh and thank you to everyone for the comments last week to help me in my quest for orderly yarn keeping! I am still working on it!


Crochet Granny Squares and an Owl!

Boo it’s raining again!

This is what arrived last week!  My lovely new wool – beautiful colours – as I started to use them I thought how will I ever remember which shade is which if want to reorder any of them?  How will I know my Wisteria from my lavender?  So for now this is my solution –

New balls of Stylecraft Special Double Knit

My new Stylecraft Wool

wool labels with yarn tied on










A little bit of each yarn is tied to the label as I use each colour.  Ok for now but not great so I’d love to know what you all do?   I haven’t done much so far as I have spent a long time reading blogs for patterns and ideas – I think I’m going to make lots of granny squares and then decide what to do with them as these are something I know how to make very well!

I did however have a go at an owl pattern – it still needs the eyes yet – the pattern is from Bunny Mummy – another blog find after my visit to Yarndale!

Owl shape crochet and a small pink blue and purple granny square

First attempt at an owl shape!

It wasn’t hard to follow the tutorial and I think they look very cute in her picture!  I really want to design my own items but for now I am enjoying other people’s  as a change from my patchwork! One other thing I would really like help with is — how do you keep your wool from tangling when using lots of colours?  I’ve tried in the past to keep it all in a basket but it ends up one big mess. Currently I’ve got each colour in a plastic bag but this is bulky and spoils my enjoyment of the crochet somehow.   So over to talented peeps at Handmade Harbour to see if what everyone has been up to and maybe pick up some hints!!

Colourful Crochet!

Well I’ve really got the crochet bug again now!  Although years ago  I used to make pram blankets in colourful crochet, in recent times I have mainly concentrated on using chunky, random yarn to make big throws, as I enjoy the change of colour but the lazy way!  However, since my visit to Yarndale and discovering Lucy’s blog of tutorials, I have again become fascinated by the idea of mixing up different bright colours.  So this is what arrived this morning!

unopened parcel of wool just arrived


I just love the sound of the postie dropping parcels of fabrics or wool in the porch!

And this is what it contained!

New balls of Stylecraft Special Double Knit

My new Stylecraft Wool

These are Stylecraft Special double knit premium acrylic.  I have prefered to use 100% wool in the past but as these seemed to be endorsed by quite a few people in the crochet and knitting world I thought I would try them.  They are from Wool Warehouse and I must say they shipped them very quickly as I only ordered them on Monday!  My young self would have been incredulous at the idea that I would one day sit in my living room choosing and paying for lovely wool instead of getting the bus into town and carrying it home!

I am now actually looking forward to cold and even rainy days when it’s just sensible to snuggle up with some colourful crochet!

Road trip to Dundee and Vintage Fabric Finds!

Just home from a road trip to Dundee!

Having read about the antique and collectables place in Abernyte on Highland Monkeys’ blogpost last week I persuaded everyone on the road trip (mum, sister, aunties)  to visit there on Friday morning as Penelope had kindly sent me the address!  It was wonderful finding the vintage fabric corner – I nearly upended myself trying to reach over a table to get to the bottom shelves!    I had hold of some old French linen and a French cotton tablecloth for ages but eventually put them back and bought some vintage linen embroidered napkins which were in better condition.

Vintage Embroidered napkins in white with brown thread

The tablecloth I nearly bought was  red print scenes of French countryside and was so soft I was very tempted, but it was quite badly soiled and worn thin in places and I wondered if it would yield enough good cloth to actually make anything in the end.  However, now I am back home so annoyed I didn’t get it !!  Typical!

I did get a lovely surprise though as just before we left, my Aunty Audrey who lives in Dundee, gave me a bag of her own vintage table fabrics – some had been given to her as a wedding present over 50 years ago and one set had been a wedding gift to her old employer so they must be around 100 years old!  There were also some vintage beads she brought back from South Africa!  The fabrics will need cleaning but they are beautiful and I can’t wait to start my ‘vintage patchworkfairy’ line!

white lace mat beads on lace napkin Beads on white lace napkin vintage cotton cover vintage cotton cover opaque panel

Vintage Lace Napkins

Vintage Lace Napkins

purple beads on lace


Now over to Handmade Harbour for this week’s linky party!

Crocheting Again!

I have rekindled my love of crochet!  My Aunty Pol taught me as a child and many hooky projects have graced our home through the years.  As a new stay at home young mum I cut up and hemmed old sheets to make cot and pram sheets, crocheting all the blankets in bright woolly colours and knitting little cardis!    Even before the children arrived I made my own maternity clothes and breastfeeding nighties.

All that crochet,  sewing and knitting in those days as well as looking after the family – makes me think I had far more energy then than it actually felt like at the time!   Of course, in the early 80’s  we just didn’t have the range of low price shops which there are today and there was no online shopping so many of us had to make our own things. I made clothes and toys for the children and curtains for our house,  I enjoyed it all so it never seemed a chore.   I remember one Christmas the boys longing for the ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Hero Turtle’ figures were very scarce and so I made both the boys a furry version which they loved and carried around for a long time!

teenage hero ninja turtle!

my son with his home made teenage hero ninja turtle!

Anyway after visiting Yarndale, buying the Hooplayarn and reading various blog accounts of the day  I have begun crocheting again. Amazingly I had never heard of Lucy and Attic 24 before – her blog is a wonderful find as it has lots of tutorials in very easy to follow style.    I now have a set of red bowls from the Hooplayarn and some granny squares destined to become a big throw!  Only trouble is – these days I need a rest even after just sitting down crocheting!

Talking of rests – what better than a stroll round the Handmade Monday blogs over at Handmade Harbour!

Anyway I love reading your comments – if my site won’t let you please do let me know on facebook as it was a bit iffy last week.  Thank you!