Crochet en France

Well we’re back after a lovely week en vacances dans un gîte in the Normandy countryside in France.  It was very quiet and peaceful, we could just about see one neighbour’s house  over in another field.  The weather was very hot though, too hot for us really as neither of us are sunbathers.  We prefer sitting in the shade reading or doing crochet (me) or dozing (him) !

french gite

happily crocheting on first da

I bought a crocheted hat on the ferry over and so the first thing I did when we arrived was to crochet some flowers on the side to make it my own.

crochet hat with crochet flowers

two little crochet flowers

It’s very cool and comfy to wear and only 12 euros from  the Ferry boutique.  The flowes are crocheted in lilac, cream  and brown as the hat is a coffee and cream colour.

As well as drinking lots of café noir and eating yummy crêpes we visited the D Day landing sites and also the Bayeux Tapestry Museum which was very interesting to view.  It’s almost two feet in height and 230 feet long and is displayed in a long glass cabinet at head height.  You are given a hand held recorded commentary to listen to as you walk along past it and the scenes are numbered so you can look at what the numbered recording is referring to all the time.

I remarked to my husband that it looked more like embroidery than tapestry to me and so was interested to see a reference later to the fact that is actually embroidered linen not tapestry!  It’s a really clever piece of work and depicts the lead up to, and the actual Battle of Hastings in 1066.  Sadly we were not allowed to photograph it although I did buy a paper replica to bring home – just got to figure out how to display it now!

On our last day we went swimming on Omaha Beach on the northern coast.  On the way to the beach café we passed these rather charming French beach huts – not at all like English ones. From out of one of them came the oldest couple I have ever seen in swimming gear!  She hobbled down with a stick in one hand and a beach chair in the other then went back to help the old man down and into the sea.  They didn’t swim but stood there waist height just taking in the scenery!  – there’s dedication in ‘taking the waters’ eh?  I love to swim in the sea but not sure I’ll still be making that kind of  effort in my 90s!

White wooden French Beach Huts

French Beach Huts

Well I’m off to Handmade Monday now to catch up on the blogs I’ve missed whilst away.  There was hardly any signal during our holiday which meant very limited internet time!  Hope everyone is enjoying the summer wherever you are.  x


Rag Quilt and Crochet Bag

Well after a lot of thinking I decided my crochet circle would be a bag!  However it isn’t really looking like one and is more like a sombrero!  I am following an Attic 24 pattern so it should turn out ok but I am wondering if floppy cotton was not the right yarn as the original pattern is in merino. Oh well – perhaps an interfaced fabric lining will be required to give it some form!

crochet bag in cotton yarn

bag base and 12 rows on

The other thing I decided to make this week was a quilt for me to take on holiday in a couple of weeks – it’s using up lots of the stash I recently received and as it’s a rag quilt it was fairly easy to make compared with  making a quilt top and then quilting it to a base.

I made some quilt ‘sandwiches’ first, then quilted each ‘sandwich’ with a cross of stitching. These were then sewed together in long lines and then the lines joined up – all had a half inch seam allowance for fraying later.

floral fabric and cotton wadding

quilt sandwich showing the wadding / batting

quilting yellow floral fabric

diagonal stitching to quilt the ‘sandwiches’

quilting purple fabric quilt

using the walking foot to quilt the edges

After sewing all the quilted squares together I made some long sashing strips in bright purple and made long rectangular ‘sandwiches’ to sew right round each edge.  I quilted these separately with  long diagonal lines and then finally a line right round the egde of the quilt leaving a half an inch seam allowance for fraying.

The hardest part if snipping all the seams for the fraying but it’s worth is when you take the quilt out of the tumble drier and it’s all soft and lovely!  It’ll certainly keep me cosy of the cross channel ferry!


pastel shades of floral fabric rag quilt

finished quilt

I’m rather late for Handmade Monday as I was at a Boyzone concert in beautiful  Delamere forest yesterday but that’s another story!

Boyzone in Delamere Forest

Boyzone in Delamere Forest