‘Dog’s Trousers’!

Actually I haven’t made any ‘Dog’s Trousers ‘! it’s just that I felt like shouting out ‘Dog’s Trousers’!! when I found that the dog’s bed was ripped ( I wonder how?!!) and bits of memory foam were all over the kitchen 🙁  Dog’s Trousers!!  is a phrase I learned from Radio Merseyside when Billy Butler once had a ‘phone in for people to tell the strange things their parents’ had uttered in an attempt not to swear.  Unfortunately ‘Dog’s Trousers’ has stuck in my mind and sort of comes out unbidden in times of stress.

Anyway the mess in the kitchen made me decide to make the dog a new bed!  So first I made a calico sack with one side open and into this I scooped all the memory foam – this was not a pleasant experience as the dog spends a lot of tme in bed these days – then I sewed up the gap and put the newly covered bed in the washing machine.  Next I made a nice brushed cotton cover with an envelope ‘pillowcase’ type of opening and this has gone on an old pillow as a temporary bed while the memory foam dries out.

And here she is looking like butter wouldn’t melt…. or beds wouldn’t shred….!
Jess in her new bed!
Jess on her new bed cushion!
Now over to Handmade Monday for some reading!

13 thoughts on “‘Dog’s Trousers’!

  1. I will be adopting “dog’s trousers” for use in this house! Jess looks very happy with her new bed, and I do sympathise with the memory foam scooping, I can only imagine…………..! xxx

  2. I’m sure animals practice that butter wouldn’t melt look in the mirror! I know our two cats have perfected it.
    Have a good week.

  3. I love the phrase ‘dogs trousers’. I hope Jess is enjoying her new bed and doesn’t feel the need to destroy it. She looks very sweet, which is what drives me mad about dogs. They have such sad eyes that you can’t be angry with them, our dog just looks at me and he’s no longer in trouble. Take care.
    Ali x

  4. Yes Jess definitely does do he ‘sad eyes’ or ‘who me?’ eyes all the time – It must be inbuilt genetic protection so we can’t remain cross with the naughty things!!

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