Back Home from Holiday!

Back home from holiday!

Boo 🙁

My new camping blanket made from fabric called “Windy Days” came in handy and was appropriately titled!

blue green patchwork blocks blanket

new camping blanket

windy days are good for surfing!

sea and surf

gransdon catching a wave


not so good for watching so thank goodness for the beach tent – cosy behind the gauze flap!

mum and kids in beach tent

Inside the beach tent – Cosy!



we  are a messy group of 16 covering 3 generations on the beach and there’s always something to look for, someone to chase after, or someone taking their sunhat off (again) !

family set up on the beach

Messy beach day!

It was a lovely week though tiring.  At the end of the day it was nice to have my sweet little caravan to come home to for a cuppa!

inside of small caravan showing red seats

newly covered seats and cushions!

red covered bench seating in caravan

bench seats


I enjoy making things for my caravan and the awning,  especially when I use things from my stash.  However, I’m off to the Festival of Quilts next week so I might just acquire a teensy-weensy bit more fabric ….. 🙂  …….. It’s good to be back home from holiday!

Caravanning and Competitions!

Gosh what a lot’s happened in last couple of weeks! I’ve been away camping, or caravanning, as I should say now,  for a few days as I do every year, with extended family and friends.  Here are my two grandsons early one morning.

Grandsons sitting at table in caravan

My two grandson enjoying breakfast at Granny’s Cafe!


This year I had a new (to me) little caravan which was very nice and cosy!  We decided to change up from the Camplet because even that was too much for me to help put up now.  My little lightweight Freedom caravan is only 450kg and means  I can just roll up, park, stick the kettle on and I’m there!   This year however there was a large kerfuffle with the awning which came with the caravan as I left the instructions at home ! With the help of some friendly campers,  my poor husband and our friends finally got the awning up in the dark! Next morning I discovered a full set of instructions in the awning bag ………

i couldnt help help making a few little comforts for my new  ‘van just before I went…

Bunting in caravan window

My indoor-outdoor bunting

I had some very pretty fabrics from the Abakhan secret sale and managed to knock up two new cushions and the bunting just before we went. The bunting was made using waterproof fabric so I could hang it inside or out! With 100 purple solar fairy lights and a ceramic table top solar light changing thing my little patch looked very pretty and welcoming!  Can’t wait to go away again and OH and I had been planning a little trip in early September for our wedding anniversary but last week I got a call from the hospital as they had a cancellation … So I am going in this Thursday for my total knee replacement 😱 it has put an end to my summer plans with daughter and the grandchildren but at least after it’s done I won’t be worrying every time I hold my new granddaughter in case my knee gives way.  It was awkward on holiday as I couldn’t really walk about with her or jog her up and down and somehow babies always seem to know when you sit down with them, even if you are still jiggling them about!

To finish off my exciting fortnight, once I got back home I discovered I had won a competition in a craft magazine and a box full of Sewline products was delivered!  It’s full of fabric glue pens, air erasable fabric pens  and similar.  All very useful and wonderful to have.  I will have plenty to keep me busy after my surgery and am planning to set up a little craft station downstairs during my recovery period.

Sewline products in cardboard box

My box of Sewline goodies!


So that’s a quick round up – not sure if I’ll be in hospital next Sunday so might not make it in time for Handmade Monday again, but hopefully I will manage a quick update at least.  Hope everyone is enjoying the summer holidays, whatever you are doing!


Reflective perspectives

It’s that time of year again which makes me feel reflective.  The smell of overblown summer flowers coupled with the keen edge of autumn always brings on a mixture of sadness and anticipation as I realise that summer is over (or, as has been the case in recent years, never going to happen!), and that prickling sense of excitement that accompanies the ‘new pencils’ feeling at the start of the new term.  Not that I am actually starting a new term anymore and the ‘children’ are all way past that too but the feelings I get around this time of year have never left me.  Funnily enough after never having those sorts of feelings  my OH is now working at a school,  a completely different way of earning a living and is embroiled in the terminology that goes with school life! Today having just returned from our last few days away he is sorting out his ‘school bag’, his snacks and his ‘uniform’, all ready for tomorrow.

However for me, now with my arthritis, chronic pain condition in the cervical spine, dodgy knee, fibromyalgia, pernicious anaemia and hashimoto’s thyroiditis there is not even the ‘back to work’ feeling which used to happen after our annual holiday and every Sunday night of the year as well!  But at the moment I don’t miss those particular feelings and I am enjoying doing my sewing, knitting, crochet and felting and planning for a future when I can increase my production, sell things more regularly and perhaps make a real living out of these arts. Also I know that at 9 o’clock tomorrow I may still be in bed or I could be in a sunny craft room dreaming and  designing with a coffee and a bagel, or I could be sitting in the garden with a cup of tea, so despite all the things which have happened in the last two years, today, and every forthcoming Sunday night  I will feel quite lucky!      So I leave you with a picture of me yesterday in sunny Shropshire and go over to Handmade Monday to see what other folks have been doing!  Cheers!

Drinking coffee in Coalport!

Drinking coffee in Coalport!

Bunting in the Dandy!

Well just back from camping holiday and had no signal for most of the time so it was a strange but quite liberating feeling as I wasn’t obliged to text and couldn’t check emails or facebook!  The weather was mostly good and I had some great swimming in the sea!  I am sorry about not commenting on many blogs last week as I ran out of time before we left on Monday morning.  I have now managed to reciprocate all those who commented on mine I think!

So I haven’t done any crafting this week but I did loads before I left as I made some bunting for my Dandy and completed some things I am doing in conjunction with creative blogging for Abakhan, but more about that in a future post!    It looked very pretty at night in the camper with the flower lights and a candle!  I also made curtains for the windows and the door with some Abakhan rose print  fabric from the big dumpers of vintage dress fabric!  Nothing left for my dress now though!

pink and red bunting and a multi colouted quilt.

My Dandy camper with the bunting and the rose flower lights. My quilt is over the settee back!

dandy camper

The Dandy with the new rose fabric door curtain





Anyway,  over to Handmade Monday to see what you’ve all been up to!

Hippy Quilt has Ears!

Well this week I have been quite a lot busier crafting wise.   I have been making things for my camping holiday as every year I go away for a few days with my old friend and our assorted children and grandchildren.  I go in my Dandy camper, this is a cross between a trailer tent and a camper and  can be put up in 15 mins!  It has a proper bed, a settee and  2 proper windows so  I have just made some new curtains, cushions and bunting for mine and finished off the hippy type quilt I have been making. I posted about making the top from a jelly roll a few week’s ago in this post here.  Now it has a fluffy inside and a soft fleecy backing!  The fleece is from IKEA and is quite heavy so I should be really warm on chilly nights in a Welsh field!  I don’t know about everyone else, but I tend to rush things which are for myself and end up with something which isn’t quite how it was intended to be.  I make so much for selling which has to be perfect that I get sloppy when it’s only for me.

quilt with fleecy backing sewn into pointy ears

my hippy quilt with it’s ears!

Hence when sewing on  the fleece backing I ended up with it sort of twisted and misaligned as I came to the end of the row (I never pin in place when it’s my own stuff!)

Anyway  fortunately I had a brilliant idea and made the extra fleecy at each corner into a feature – the quilt now has ‘ears’

I have been thinking recently that I should be more careful with things I make for my own use as it doesn’t make a very good advert for my business really!

Well I’m off to continue packing – it’s a thunderstorm outside at the moment – I really hope it’s not like this tomorrow on the Lleyn Peninsula!!    My plan is to be sunbathing and swimming this coming week whilst my husband gets on with all the jobs here that need doing!  🙂

But first it’s over to Handmade Monday for a look at what everyone else has been doing! See you next week with some pictures of my glamped up Dandy!