Road Trip Scarf!

Wow I’ve been having much fun this week chatting in facebook groups where I came across the ‘Road Trip Scarf’ pattern on  Zootyowl’s blog    Now almost everyone in my facebook crochet group has made one,  or is making one!  Fortunately that means lots of help with the pattern!  I am almost finished  – I have to finish the top edge yet and do the flower trimmings but I am pleased with the way it’s looking already.

crochet scarf

Road Trip Scarf – not quite finished

I’m having a bit of trouble following the last row of the pattern but other than that it’s been a lovely quick make! I’d recommend it if you enjoy crochet as once you get going it’s easy to do whilst watching TV or chatting! If you wonder why it’s called that just read her blog post about the pattern via the link above!

I also decided my ripple blanket wasn’t looking quite right  and so made up a wavy edging to finish it off – I have one and a half sides to go yet!

multi coloured blanket

wavy edging on ripple blanket

Whilst I was browsing all the other road trip scarves I fell in love with some purple King Cole splash yarn which just happened to be on sale!!  Well couldn’t pass that up could I?

wool balls

my latest delivery 🙂

So now I have to make a few more RTSs!!!

I am enjoying all this crochet as I am still incapacitated with back pain although it is slightly better after my GP prescribed some more drugs.  I have my MRI date – 3rd September – not looking forward to that as I don’t like confined spaces 🙁 but at least I might then know what the problem is and what can be done to help it.

Finally I had to show you the lovely plant and card which my aunties and uncle sent for me to ‘cheer me up’ – and it did – immensely!


get well plant and card

So that’s my week – crochet, crochet, crochet and the road trip scarf! Now over to see the peeps at Handmade Monday, wonder what’s been going on in your world?



10 thoughts on “Road Trip Scarf!

  1. Your scarf is absolutely wonderful, love all those colours. I really hope you get some answers to your back pain. How thoughtful of your Aunts. The plants lovely and the bag it comes in is really sweet. Take care of yourself.
    Ali xx

  2. Heres hoping the scan shows some helpful results – it’s horrible being in constant pain.
    I love the colours you have chosen for your scarf:)

  3. Fingers crossed you get your back sorted soon. The scarf looks great and I’m sure the will buying was absolutely necessary 😉

  4. Love the colours in your road trip scarf and I think the purple one is going to be stunning too. Hope the scan goes well for you and the meantime you can cope with the pain. Crafting will hopefully help the time pass quickly for you.

    Have a crafty week,
    Alison x

  5. Good luck with the scan, hope it identifies the problem and you can get it ‘fixed’ as soon as possible. I love your scarf, very smart and lovely colours. Hope you have a good week.

  6. Pingback: Another Road Trip Scarf | The Patchwork Fairy

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