Not a disappearing nine patch!……

Just a short post today as I have been in hospital for another knee op and so not been up to much sewing.  However, just before I went I made myself a very quick patchwork cushion for my bathroom chair as I thought it would cheer me up when I was hobbling around in there!  Well it sort of did – if I hadn’t had a forgetful spell whilst making it that is!  Can you guess what happened ?

cotton floral patchwork cushion

NOT a ‘Disappearing Nine Patch’ patchwork cushion!

I completed it fairly quickly, added a purple zip to the back piece and was admiring it in the bathroom when I thought – ‘the centre looks so plain’ – then BOOM the brain rebooted and I remembered I had been intending to make a disappearing nine patch pattern!   This looks best if the centre square is plain as you cut up the finished 9 square block to end up with four large squares comprised of a big floral square, two floral rectangles and a small solid colour square at the centre corner of each of the four new squares.  Then by rotating these new squares you can achieve pleasing results which are a bit more interesting than the above cushion!!

As this occurred the day before my op I cannot excuse the brain on grounds of post anaesthesia confusion either!  Oh well – will have to make another one as soon as I can get back in the sewing room!

Luckily I can still blog-hop even with a poorly knee so am off to Handmade Monday for the weekly linky party!

[Sorry if my comments box seems to work for some and not for others as it seems it allows all comments but won’t let some people add their name and link,  I am waiting for my web guru to fix it :)]

11 thoughts on “Not a disappearing nine patch!……

  1. I think your cushion look lovely the way it is. Hope the knee op went well and don’t over do things – you’ve got to let yourself heal so lots of rest xx

  2. I think it looks great, I wouldn’t have known you had intended anything different. Hope you are up and about more easily soon.

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