London Journey = Crochet Time!

Four hours in the car to London and then back again – great opportunity for some cosy crochet time!  Shame I had to offer to share the driving but good that OH likes driving so does the main bulk of our journeys!!  I started a new beanie which hopefully will be completed tomorrow!  I took my wool and hooks away in a lovely little project bag I made to sell but decided I couldn’t part with as it’s so useful!  It has 3 compartments so I can keep 2 different coloured wool balls  separated and keep the hooks/scissors in the other pocket.

The fabric has old fashioned sewing machines on it so is perfect for sewing related projects.  I saw it for sale at Minerva Crafts  this week and so have now uploaded a picture of the bag to their Look what I’ve Made project sharing site.  It’s a really  interesting site and easy to use – you join and upload your projects and can have fun looking at other people’s too!

sewing bag

3 pocket sewing project bag

and here is latest ripply-progress!

ripple blanket progress

Week 4!

Well I am very tired after trip to London so signing off now to go for a stroll round the blogs at Handmade Monday!


7 thoughts on “London Journey = Crochet Time!

  1. Quite a few things I make sometimes get a lot of thought whether I want to keep them too. It is a lovely mag though. I love all the ripply colours in your other make too.

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