New WIPs for 2014!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well the holidays are almost over! Son No 2 has returned to London. Son No1 left last week and tomorrow my DH goes back to work.  WOOHOO!  House to myself again!! (they don’t read this!) . I have been having a good rest this week, mainly because I got a seasonal virus just after Christmas day and am still not completely well.  Having Fibromyalgia, amongst other things, seems to mean getting things badly and taking a long time to recover.  I think the strain of going to London for the ill fated craft fair didn’t help either 🙁

For anyone who was wondering how Handmade Christmas at the 02 went  –  well it wasn’t a very good experience and I would not recommend anyone to book with this event in the future before being very sure that things will be different from the December one.  We were not the only stall holders unhappy with various things – there is a facebook group of us all trying to get some compensation from the organisers.  I have written to the OFT, as have others, and am awaiting a response.  You can read more about it my last weeks POST which also has a link to the Folksy blogpost about it.

But to move on to happier things – I have started my first WIPs of 2014!  A Ripple Blanket using the Attic 24 pattern and am really enjoying making it whilst resting on the sofa.

crochet blanket

Ripple blanket

Remember the crosstitch heart in last month’s craftseller?  Well I decided to have a go last night and it’s coming along nicely, just the top half to do now!

crosstitch heart in red thread

Half a crosstitch heart!

So that’s two WIPs already- one good thing from having an xmas fair is that all but one of my other WIPs are finished – and some even got sold!!   It’s soooooo  good having the opportunity to build up a new stack of WIPs!!  🙂

When not making new things I am spending my time planning them from ideas in these two fantastic books I got for Christmas!  GBSB from DH and Vintage book from DS2!

GBSB and Vintage Crafts books!

Crafts books for new ideas!

And that’s me sorted for a couple of weeks!  Looking forward to reading about other people’s holiday adventures and new year plans over at Handmade Monday Have you got a stack of WIPs Yet?   Do tell!!

9 thoughts on “New WIPs for 2014!

  1. Sorry to hear the O2 event wasn’t too successful. But onto happier things…oh my goodness…your ripple blanket just makes me so excited! I squealed with delight when I saw the ripply thumbnail on Wendy’s blog. I made a ripple blanket last October using Attic24s help blog post too and it is one of my favourite projects to make. Enjoy every ripple! x

  2. Hehe yeah i already have some new WIP’s on the go and some left over from last year too!

    I love your ripple blanket, it will look so fantastic when its done. I hope you’re feeling lots better soon 🙂 x

  3. That sounds really disappointing about the O2. Hopefully it’s a case of onwards and upwards in 2014 – the ripply blanket looks like a superb start!! x

  4. I hope that you are soon feeling loads better but in the meantime what a lovely way to re-couperate with s stitchy goodie and a crochet lovely blanket.

  5. So sorry to hear about the O2. It must have been so disappointing. Here’s to a better 2014.

    A friend has fibromyalgia so I know how horrible it can be. Hope 2014 is better for you health wise too xx

  6. From a fellow fibromite (((((gentle hugs))))) hope you’re recovering from your virus, I also got one over Christmas too 🙁 Love the look of your ripple blanket. I have countless WIP from last year, and a few I’ve already started too! Have a good week (enjoy the peace)

  7. Happy New Year

    I am sorry the O2 event didn’t work out well – I really had hoped it would be a great success for you and other handmade bods. I have read your previous post about the event and really hope you and the other crafters pursing compensation do get some – certainly well deserved.

    Lots of WiP here – mainly left overs from 2013, so must get them finished soon.

    Hope you have a good week.

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