Labelling Handmade Goods

Well I’m on countdown to chrimbo now!  The Handmade fair that is, not the actual feast day on the 25th!  I have table runners, lap quilts, bunting etc all over the craft room and woolly granny squares all round the living room!  I am really looking forward now to seeing what sells and what may not,  as several Handmade Monday people have said before, you can get a good idea of what people think about your stuff when you are selling in person.

Next week I have to attend to label making and pricing!  All the traders have recently been contacted by Trading Standards in London to alert us to what we need to have in place on our stall and on our paperwork and on our goods.  If anyone isn’t aware of what complying with Trading Standards entails in terms of labelling handmade goods and documentation needed etc I would suggest you research the TS website or contact your local branch as you may be surprised to find all you need to do!  For my  items I have to label them with the type and % used of every textile included unless it’s a decoration amounting to 7% or less of the finished item.  Any jewellery sold has to have proof that the parts you bought were sold (and had been tested) in line with nickel regulations – this means asking the supplier for a statement of compliance.  I wonder how many jewellery sellers at the forthcoming 02 fair have all the supporting evidence in place already?  I suppose all sellers  should already know these things but if you only occasionally trade at little craft fairs this is never brought up when booking a stall and I have never traded at a large event before.  Even our table cover must be made from flame retardant material, so no use getting out the big sheet I have used at smaller events!

So that’s my work next week – labelling my handmade goods and also preparing receipts in advance as these have to be issued to every customer and need my name and address printed on them. This has been a big undertaking for me  –  I wonder if I will find it all worth it?  – I will let you know in December!

11 thoughts on “Labelling Handmade Goods

  1. Good luck with everything, it’s a big learning curve getting everything ready but I’m sure it will get easier now you know what it all entails.

    Jan x

  2. It sounds like you’re well prepared for your big fair. I never knew there were so many regulations to be aware of. Good luck with your event at the O2.

  3. You wonder sometimes how anyone ever sells things, what with all the various does and don’t that has to be adhered to. I have my suspicions that quite a lot of craft seller aren’t even aware of such things.

    Hope everything goes well at the O2 and look forward to hearing about it xx

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