Creative Craft Show in Manchester

Creative  Craft Show in Manchester! Oh what can I say except it was FAB FAB FAB!  It was a crafter’s dream day out.  Good friend, craft stalls and good coffee!  About half the show was card making and scrapbooking which I like but am trying to stay from away from due to need to do some housework occasionally…         We drooled over some lovely fabric (not literally!) and chatted to some really  nice stall holders about their craft.  I now badly want to learn how to use the Lucet!   I will even hold a workshop day in my house if I can get 9 others to join me and pay a max of £25 to cover the tutor and associated costs!!  If you’d like to come please let me know!!

One lady who we particularly talked with was Lesa from Natural Leigh who seemed very empathic to my friend’s recent troubles and put her hand on her arm in unspoken support.   I sensed the healing touch even standing next to her,  my friend was quite moved.  Before we moved on this lovely lady cut two pieces of her newest charcoal design in the lovely French chambray she sells and gave them to my friend  to make herself something!  She then cut two more and handed them to me saying that I ‘must have gone through it with her’!  We walked away a few minutes later with our fabric scraps and some sweet smelling hemp rope as well!  We felt quite moved and blessed.

So at home this weekend I wanted to make something special from my fabric pieces.  As I turned it round and round in my hand an idea took shape!

French chambray fabric pieces

French chambray fabric pieces

Can you see what I have started to cut it into?


It’s so lovely and soft to the touch I very much want to order some and make something for myself! I am going to treat myself to the rose pink fat quarters I think!

I am also going to see when the next Creative Craft Show is taking place and plan another road trip, but for now I am going on an online trip round the fab craft blogs at Handmade Monday.

Bye for now!

15 thoughts on “Creative Craft Show in Manchester

  1. Sounds like you had a great day out, I’d love to go to the craft one, I went to cake international a couple of years ago and it was next door, I had so much cake fun, it’s good to hear creative crafts is just as good

  2. Sounds like you had a great time at the Creative Craft fair. We had one in Liverpool last year but there isn’t one this year, disappointingly. I’m going to pop over to Natural Leigh when I’ve finished this, she sounds lovely.
    Have a good week.

  3. Sounds like a fabulous event – I was hoping to make time to get there myself but didn’t – just too much going on at the moment! Maybe we can meet up next time it’s on?!

  4. It is so good to hear about little gestures like this – it is easy to think that everyone is so busy focusing on themselves to think about anyone else. It sounds as if you had a really great time – I look froward to see what you make with the material.

  5. A perfect day, a good friend, great coffee and a great craft event. I look forward to your finished make.

    Jan x

    Thanks for popping over, I love Chester but don’t get to visit often. (I originate from Liverpool)

  6. I can’t wait to go to another Creative Craft show – never knew about a Liverpool one which is even nearer ! A meet up at the next one would be great – handmade Monday coffee club!

  7. Looks like you had a great time. Sadly none of the shows seem to come to the North East. What a very kind lady. Can’t wait to see what you’ve made with the fabric xx

  8. What a wonderful day you had and sounds like you meet a lovely lady as well. Your fabric looks so pretty I can’t wait to see what you create. Have a crafty week.
    Ali x

  9. Just catching up with my blog reading and saw your entry about Wonderwool – be very careful spinning is utterly addictive! I thought having balls of yarn and bits of fabric stashed away was wicked enough, but once you get into fleece….. don’t say you weren’t warned! Seriously though – if you can get in touch with your local guild or spinning group you’ll love it.. it keeps me sort of sane! Sue

  10. It sounds like you had a great time. What a lovely gesture too, it’s so lovely to read about people being kind.

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