Working from Home

Having had two sales on folksy recently I am really pleased!  Only thing is now I need to make more items and I have a craft fair coming up on March 2nd!  A major problem for me when I am in my craft room is being distracted from making things by keep taking out my lovely fabrics, giving them a stroke and imagining the lovely things I will make with each piece.

However this does not reuslt in lots of completed items,  just a long dreamy state ending in a cup of tea and another ‘where did the time go’ feeling.  So what does everyone else do?  Have people got a rigid working from home timetable?  How do you fit in housework, visiting relatives and Granny duties?

Anyway here is my choice for my next Spring time items.   Not the same spring Wendy means over at Handmade harbour though!!

squares of cotton fabric with red or pink flowers

Sweet Floral Squares

12 thoughts on “Working from Home

  1. I find I am very easily distracted. A bad habit of mine, similar to yours, is looking at the gorgeous papers I have an thinking ‘how can I cut you?’. They are so pretty, seems wrong to use them. Hope you have a good week.

    Christmas Pie Crafts

  2. I know just what you mean about looking at all your fabrics but not getting down to the actual making! I think I spend more time trying to decide what to make than I ever do producing things.
    Housework? mmmm suppose that ought to be on the to do list somewhere 🙂
    I do find it difficult to prioritise other than work things, working from home just means I feel I should be working all the time I’m at home.

  3. I find myself writing long lists of the things I would like to make with my stash but not getting round to making anything! I make lots of little things for friends but long to just sit and make some things so that I might one day be able to have a stall at a fair.

  4. Thank you all for making me feel I am not the only person who spends time in the craft room not actually crafting! I have planned this week to do 2-3 hours a day making. Hmm well we’ll see how that turns out!

  5. Ohh hI am definitely the wrong person to ask about that today – I have managed to achieve all of making 4 wheels for a toy car and That. Is. It!!! Normally I’m really good about shutting off the world and getting on with my jobs… it helps to have a very clear idea at the start of my day about what needs doing. Whilst I have actual orders to complete it’s not so hard… it’s when you’re making items for stock or as new prototypes that I find it harder. I don’t do any housework though and all my relatives live far away, which probably helps 😉 Have a good week, Simmi x

    • I agree totally Simmi – I can make orders no problem but general stock items are harder, even though I can’t wait to do them, too many ideas crowd my mind. might have to give up housework ….!

  6. I try to plan a bit, and bribe myself that I can do more sewing etc when I’ve done one houseworky thing, and alternate, or do errands for an hour and then have a block of time for creating. Yes I have that thing about looking at and touching fabrics, even remembering where and when I found/bought them. How sad is that!
    Wendy x

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