Showcasing products

This week I haven’t made much as after last week’s giveaway from Wendy at Handmade harbour I was inspired to try and look at my craft business from all angles and see how it could become more commercially viable.  I had really enjoyed reading the snippets from the ‘Commercial Creatives’ book which was one of the prizes,  and as I didn’t win,  I decided I would buy it.  I love ‘real’ books but they can  be heavy and  I have a Kindle it seemed the obvious choice to choose the e- download version.  So woohoo, within a few moments I was reading the book.!  If you missed the post last week here is a  link  to the book.   So far I am lapping up every bit of advice and information.  I haven’t read it all so will review it again when I have finished.

Looking critically round my craft room I was  thinking  that it is just too messy and haphazard to inspire my creativity.  Then under a heap of (haphazard) patchwork squares  I found the lovely little photo album my daughter bought me for christmas with idea being that I take pictures of all my work and stick them in the photo album as a showcase for all the things I make.   Then I have something to take with me to craft fairs for people to browse through and maybe ask for a custom order!  So now I am collecting all my items and printing out pictures of things I’ve already sold ready to stick in the album.

Hopefully I will have a showcase album soon which I will take a picture of for this blog!

Happy blogging and crafting everyone

Ali  xx