London Journey = Crochet Time!

Four hours in the car to London and then back again – great opportunity for some cosy crochet time!  Shame I had to offer to share the driving but good that OH likes driving so does the main bulk of our journeys!!  I started a new beanie which hopefully will be completed tomorrow!  I took my wool and hooks away in a lovely little project bag I made to sell but decided I couldn’t part with as it’s so useful!  It has 3 compartments so I can keep 2 different coloured wool balls  separated and keep the hooks/scissors in the other pocket.

The fabric has old fashioned sewing machines on it so is perfect for sewing related projects.  I saw it for sale at Minerva Crafts  this week and so have now uploaded a picture of the bag to their Look what I’ve Made project sharing site.  It’s a really  interesting site and easy to use – you join and upload your projects and can have fun looking at other people’s too!

sewing bag

3 pocket sewing project bag

and here is latest ripply-progress!

ripple blanket progress

Week 4!

Well I am very tired after trip to London so signing off now to go for a stroll round the blogs at Handmade Monday!


Bags and Buttons!

Had a lovely time this week using up some of my stash with the jelly roll I bought recently!  I have booked myself onto a 4 week quilting course at Voirrey Embroidery and I am really looking forward to 3 hours sewing and learning on Thursday mornings!  I have to take basic sewing kit with me so it gave me the perfect excuse to make myself a new project bag.

teal and orange hippy fabric

Two jelly rolls sewn together



Here are the straps on the bag – I used a plain turquoise for one side and a hippy swirly orange for the other!

half made bag

Half finished bag with straps sewn on





Now I have to  put in the zip and then make a lining with pockets to sandwich in the wadding.


To finish with I am going to add some of these LOVELY buttons from Berrynicecushions on Folksy.  She has some wonderful buttons for sale, painted with floral patterns.  Click here if you want to see what else she has!

Turquoise floral buttons

Turquoise buttons for bag

buttons from CD










I’m off for my Sunday night fix now over at Handmade Monday to see what everyone else is up to!