Weaving on an Ashford Knitters Loom

I’m still thoroughly enjoying weaving on my Ashford Knitters Loom! I’ve improved my edges quite a bit and have experimented with houndstooth patterns and different yarns. I  just managed to make scarves in time for Christmas presents for family members but I was in such a rush I wrapped them and gave them away before taking pictures!

However, I did take some of my first attempt at a Houndstooth patterned scarf!

Weaving loom with blue and white houndstooth weave

Starting to weave houndstooth

Hand woven scarf with mistake in pattern colours

Spot the mistake!

Blue and white scarf on grey dress

Finished scarf

I didn’t realise weaving would be so addictive and that I would want to make bigger things! So as part of Christmas presents I received a double Heddle kit and some extra heddles! My next goal is to weave with these to achieve double width cloth. Although my loom is only small at 12 inches it is very easy to use and comfy for the arms. By using the double Heddle I should be able to weave a 20 inch cloth without the extra strain on the arms that a wider loom brings.

Weaving is not something you can do quickly. Warping Up takes time and patience, but I find it soothing and a gentle art to practice, not something I want to rush anyway. I’m hoping to include a warping up video in my next post!