New Rotary Cutter and a Photo Cushion!

Haven’t really done much this week after my flurry of industrious sewing last couple of weeks!  One thing I have started though is a photo cushion like Wendy made a couple of week’s ago.  I bought some fabric paper and some other bits and bobs and am going to enjoy designing some new personalised items for upcoming family events.  I have started the cushion front and back and put the zip in and printed off the photos.    Cutting the fabric was made so much easier by using my new rotary cutter!

fiskars-faric cutter

cutting fabric

In my quilting group on  facebook I recently read of all the accidents people have using the normal rotary cutrter and was amazed that I haven’t had one – I am rather accident prone in regards to things like that. Anyway shortly afterwards I saw this machine for sale which is like a paper cutter but is for fabric.   It’s really good – unlike the Simplicity one I bought last month but had to return.  This one by Fiskars actually does cut!   I first saw it on Create and Craft TV and it was exclusive to them but it sold out before I could order one!  Now it seems to being stocked in other places and I managed to acquire one. It’s wonderful for anyone who has any sort of hand or arm problem like me and who may just wobble enough to slice off a finger tip when using the hand held cutters.

I will post  a picture of the finished cushion next week as it’s for a special birthday and can’t be unveiled just yet!

lake Vrynwy in Wales

View of Lake Vyrnwy early evening

This is the shore of Lake Vyrnwy where DH and I relaxed in the late afternoon and early evening sunshine one day last week. We had been for a trip to the Charlie’s store in Welshpool and decided to go home via the scenic route with a stopover on the way.

It was lovely sitting reading and resting by the lakeside with only lapping water making any sort of noise.  I was engrossed in my book and we had a very nice few hours there.

Well I will join up with Handmade Monday again now, a bit later than usual as we have had the children here for Fathers’ Day – all at different times today so not had a moment to upload till now!

6 thoughts on “New Rotary Cutter and a Photo Cushion!

  1. Your new cutter is a great idea. I am new to using my rotary cutter and it is very easy to slip, thankfully I still have all my fingers! #handmadeMonday

  2. What a great cutter, I am new to rotary cutter and did manage to slice my finger the other day thankfully not deeply – but I can see just how easy it is to do serious damage!!

  3. I’ve never used a rotary cutter, I think it would be quite hazardous for me 🙂
    Looking forward to seeing your completed photo cushion 🙂

    Jan x

  4. I had no idea that people have lots of accidents with rotary cutters – I’d better take great care with mine then. I like your new cutter, very practical. I can’t wait to see the finished cushion.

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