New Patchwork Fairy Dresses!

So I’ve finished my new range of handmade patchwork fairy dresses and I’m almost ready to put them in my Folksy and Etsy Patchwork Fairy shops! It’s taken quite a while to complete them as handfinishing is quite time consuming!  I’ve loved creating these – it’s just my kind of thing –  Fairies, pink, purple, ribbons, floaty tulle and crochet!

My first dresses are all small sizes while I test the market. I can make them in larger size to order if necessary. Already a friend has requested an adult size so she can float about playing Fairy Godmother!!

Doesn’t taking photos take a long time?! Much harder than you’d think to try and set a scene and get the lighting right.  I took a lot of photos trying to get the perfect one, not sure I’ve really got it right yet though!

Pink fairy dress

Pink dress with cotton and silk bodice

I enjoyed crocheting the bodices in some lovely tactile yarns.

Fairy dress in pink, purple and blue

Violet and Pink soft cotton bodice with pink, purple and blue tulle.

This bodice of this one is a fresh Egyptian cotton

Lemon yellow fairy dress

Lemon cotton bodice with delicate tulle skirt.

Fairy dress with gold and lilac bodice

Silk and cotton and merino wool bodice with delicate pastel coloured tulle skirt.

These are not everyday dressess so I’m hoping to appeal to the market of special occasion dresses – birthdays, weddings, flower girl, family photo occasion etc.  This is a departure from things I’ve previously sold on Folksy and so I’ve run the shop down deliberately so I can launch the dresses as a new line.

One comment I’ve had from my test pictures is that fairy dresses should be sold with wings – I’d welcome any comments about them and whether you agree with the wings idea – I wasn’t originally intending to sell wings!


4 thoughts on “New Patchwork Fairy Dresses!

  1. These dresses are really pretty, and so beautifully finished. I’m having problems pinning to pinterest though, it comes up saving invalid image. Have you been able to pin from here? – I’m not sure where I am going wrong. I’ll pop back again and try again.
    Thanks for sharing at #Handmade Monday

  2. They are gorgeous. Not sure about the wing idea, as that would make them seem too much like dressing up clothes, and not like something a bridesmaid etc would wear.

  3. Oooo! Those are GREAT!! Love the flower waists! — I’ll have to keep these pics away from my youngest Great-Niece or else she’ll be *begging* me to make her one! She’s already got her grandmother slaving away as her “personal”-DRESSMAKER! — She’s 6. When they all went to DISNEY last Autumn, she had the MATCHING dress to just about EVERY “PRINCESS” character at the PARK!! “Toole” is her favourite fabric!

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