More fabric buying..

Eek been buying fabric again !  I really should be using up my stash as soon the craft room won’t be usable but will just be a giant fabric store room!

I just couldn’t resist this jelly roll

fabric strips

lovely jelly roll!

and when I opened it – wow! all hippy tye dye and flowers and ‘peace’ printed!

hippy flowery fabric!

hippy flowery fabric!

So I really had to make something! First I was going to make a bag out of the strips but somewhwere along the way (you know how it is..) it turned into a cushion made out of other stash with some vibrant purple from the roll as the border!

Patchwork cushion!

Patchwork cushion!

Very pleased with myself  and I’m keeping this one for our house!

I still haven’t heard from the person who bought the Faery Garden even though I sent two messages so I don’t know if it arrived intact but am guessing it did or I probably would have!!

Over to Handmade Monday now for my Sunday evening treat – reading all the other crafters’ adventures!!

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13 thoughts on “More fabric buying..

  1. I love the colours in the jelly roll – I’ve often been tempted to buy one, but as I’m not a quilter I’m not sure what I’d do with it other than look at all the lovely fabric!!

  2. The material in that jellyroll is beautiful. I’ve never bought one (I’ve never quilted) but I’m going to a quilt show at the weekend and have decided that I’m going to treat myself to one! Your cushion looks great x

  3. I love fabric , all those different colours and textures. The problem is I can’t sew and have to remind myself of that everytime i reach for my purse whilst promising myself i will learn (but don’t!) The cushion is great!

  4. Gorgeous fabric – I can understand why you couldn’t resist!! And what a beautiful cushion – don’t blame you for keeping it for your home 🙂 Simmi x

  5. That jelly roll looks lush!
    Your cushion is gorgeous too.
    I have moved a hundred miles from my favourite fabric shop and have yet to find a good local one 🙁 Helping with reducing stash I suppose 🙂

    Janice x

  6. Love your cushion and lovely that you are keeping it for yourself. I’m sure your garden arrived safely though can understand your concern

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