Linen and Liberty Love!

It’s no secret I love linen and Liberty so what better combination for a quick make the morning we were going on holiday! I’m one of those people who needs water wherever I go  – even in the UK – so I can’t imagine being without it abroad in hot weather 😓😓

Well it’s easy to take a water bottle with you but not so easy to carry it when you’re sight seeing with a small lightweight handbag.  I knew we were going away months in advance but somehow I left it till the day we were travelling to the airport hotel to start creating a bottle carrier! Nothing like time running out to get the creative mind in gear pretty quick.

So here it is – and it worked very well.  The ribbon came wrapped round the linen fat quarter bundle and made a comfy and quick carrying strap for over one shoulder.  It’s so light I didn’t even notice it was there most of the time

Linen bottle carrier

Bottle carrier for my purple Chilli Bottle!


The trim is a couple of Liberty scraps machine appliquéd on!

Linen water carrier

Linen Water Carrier


On holiday I had bottled water bought locally but I’ve since I’ve come home I’ve bought a handbag size Chilli Water Bottle. This lightweight bottle is like a thermos flask inside and keeps your water as cold as when it was put in there, for many hours.  It’s a brilliant little bottle and saves money as I now buy large bottles of water and keep them in the ‘fridge for decanting into my Chilli Bottle.  If your tap water is pleasant to drink it would be even cheaper to fill up!

So that’s it – I’m easily pleased!


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