Granny Squares and Granny Naps!

Ooh I am feeling rather full and sleepy after a big family dinner at my sisters this weekend!  I think I may need a nap!  My DS’ are home too so it’s a busier household here from normal when it’s just me and my DH  rattling round here! Not much time for making granny squares!

This week has been very exciting though, as my new sewing machine arrived!  I am in the process of writing about it and will have pics and a review next week!  I am already loving the extras  on it and spending time getting to know all the new features is very enjoyable.

I’ve done quite a bit of crochet squares towards a new blanket!

crochrt granny squares

getting the squares ready!

and I bought two new books!  Both of these seem to be very,  very good at first glance!

crochet book and bag making book

my new books

I can’t wait to start adding some granny square variations to the blanket and start making some more bags! Of all the sewing I do, I think I love making bags the most!

Well that’s it for now – I am full of pie and cupcakes and I need a granny nap, never mind a granny square!

best wishes to all the handmade mondayers celebrating Easter!

See you next week.

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6 thoughts on “Granny Squares and Granny Naps!

  1. Have fun with your new sewing machine, you will be whizzing up bags in next to no time! Your crochet square pile is getting bigger.

  2. I love my sewing machine, I’ve learnt so many things just playing with it, and I love the different colours of your granny squares.

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