Crochet Bag Becomes Crochet Cushion!

Gosh a summer’s day here in Wirral – we’ve had autumn weather all week so this warm and dry day is very welcome! Hope your day is as pleasant!

Remember this?

crochet bag

this is the bag base with all the colours to use


Well this was going to be my oceanic coloured crochet bag but things didn’t go to plan!   I followed the attic 24 pattern completely but I used cotton whereas Lucy used a chunky merino and I think that maybe the problem as mine turned out huge!



It was when the bag area was this big that I started to think it just wouldn’t work as a bag !!


cotton bag keeps expanding

I decided I couldn’t face unpicking so it’s now become a rather comfy cushion for the couch!! Luckily my made -up pattern turned out ok!

crochet cushion

crochet cushion for the couch

crochet cushion

first side – originally bag base!

Oh well I have a nice cushion – just have to find some chunkier wool for that bag!! Now there’s a project to keep me  happy!!

What projects are you doing?  Let’s pop over to Handmade Monday and find out!

8 thoughts on “Crochet Bag Becomes Crochet Cushion!

  1. Well it has turned into a lovely cushion. How clever of you to repurpose it. I can understand why you would not want to undo all that crochet.

  2. It’s a fab cushion – I love the colours. I’m always making things too big or too small, but it’s always a learning experience, isn’t it?

    Have a lovely crafty week,

  3. It’s double-crocheted, isn’t it..? With cotton, you have to go single to keep the strength since the yarn won’t felt like wool. — But hey, One can never have enough Cushions! Actually, I’m leaning on a similar looking one right now that’s well over 40 years old! – Used Sayelle back then… And IT could *probably* do with a good wash and restuffing!

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