Baby Bunting and paraphanalia!!

Gosh been a busy couple of weeks!

This is is why:

4 Weeks to go!

4 Weeks to go!

new granddaughter will be here soon!

We we had the baby shower a couple of week’s ago for which I made some baby bunting!

Pink baby bunting

The bunting on the wall

I had fun making this little pram for one of the flags!

Pink pram bunting

The little pram I made!

we had cake, coffee and chat! A lovely day with lovely family and friends!

Now I am hard at work trying to recreate the ungirly black cabriofix car seat part into prettiness! It’s quite fiddly!

Cabriofix car seat new cover

The car seat fixing thing!

think I’ve nearly cracked it – just need to sew the binding then arrange the pieces in the right place and bind both together! Sounds easy when I type it anyway! 😀  So much paraphanalia with babies!

So that’s been my recent work   – next is the Hillary’s Blinds Competition and here is first glimpse of my fabric!

Daisy fabric

My daisy fabric

Well now I’m off to link up with Handmade Monday. Next post will reveal what I have made with my competition fabric!!!


7 thoughts on “Baby Bunting and paraphanalia!!

  1. Lovely fabric! I think your baby bunting is adorable, especially the nappy parts. Are you going to cover over the car seat fixing thing? I’m not sure if there’s a particular safety function of the way its been constructed (although it is quite ugly I agree)

  2. Oh I like the daisy fabric! I’m doing the competition too and have the Safi Turquoise – it’s lovely stuff but so thick I’ve had to rethink my project a bit! xx

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