Autumn Hygge!

Did I mention I love Autumn?! 😊    I think I might have done! I’ve also been inspired by the Danish concept of ‘Hygge’ recently, reading about it, talking about it and  making things to increase the hygge in my surroundings!

The Little Book of Hygge

My current favourite book!


If you haven’t heard of this yet you soon will as it seems to be a popular theme this season.  The word Hygge is pronounced ‘hoo-guh’ not ‘hig’ and there is no direct translation in English. Best we have is to say it is used to express feelings of cosines, comfort and warmth, safety….   the very kind of feeling you might have say, if you had returned from an early evening crisp autumnal walk in the country, made yourself a hot drink of steaming tea, coffee or hot chocolate and then curled up in a comfy cushioned seat reading your favourite book with candles gently illuminating the twilight! It would be even better if you had your tea in a teapot with a fairy house cosy……….   Sounds lovely doesn’t it?

Tea pot with crochet cover

Tea for two?

Your walk could also be more hyyglig  if perhaps you had warm socks in boots, a woolly hat or earband and some wrist warmers to keep out the chill, keep you snug in the cool air!

Crochet gloves - russet colour

Mohair fingerless gloves!

Brown and beige crochet Wrist warmers

If you want full gloves these fill the gap round your wrist in your  sleeve nicely!

Autumnal coloured crochet ear warmer band

If a woolly hat makes you too hot this ear warmer band is perfect – can be used as a cowl too.


So whilst I’ve been immersed in woolly, yarny creativity these last few weeks I was very pleased to hear from Ginny of Ginxcraft that I had won a knitted butterfly in her giveaway! It looks lovely with my own crochet creatures and latest fairy teapot cosy! 😀 Thank you Ginny!

Crochet and knitted creatures

Ginny’s butterfly with my crochet creatures!

So what would your perfect Hygge moment be?

3 thoughts on “Autumn Hygge!

  1. hmm… From the way the word is pronounced and it’s general “meaning”, it sorta sounds like the “root” word for “HUG”..?

    Anyhoo, loving your MAKES! Especially that fairy-hat shape… Think I might give it a try some time. BTW, *COOL* NARLY TWIGS!!


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