Airport drama!

Gosh I am wiped out today!  Yesterday started really well – Daughter, grandson and I set off for Manchester airport to pick up one of my sons who has been living and working in Australia for the past year.   We found the car park easily and made our way to ‘Arrivals’ where the board said his flight was ‘on approach’!  Woohoo – just time for a coffee before the big reunion!!

airport cafe

Airport cafe waiting for Jon!

So we had our coffee (and HUGE slice of Victoria sponge cake between us!) and watched all the goings on.  (I can thoroughly recommend Joe’s Cafe at the Arrivals area at Manchester airport – good coffee, lovely home made cake and very pleasant and helpful staff!)

So far so good!  Then it all went horribly wrong – basically we waited an hour with me breaking into smiles, and even on one occasion Wayhay-ing, at every young man who had short brown hair and a rucsac….. none of them was actually my son… 🙁

DD went to talk to the enquiry desk lady who told us all British Passport holders had gone through although there were two people detained in customs.  At this point my mind went to Mars and back… all the awful stories of people having stuff put in their luggage unbeknown to them were now presenting as scenarios and I was in tears.

So to cut the misery short I will say that after a trip to the airline desk we discovered our Jon was not arriving till the same time tomorrow!!!!  I had got mixed up with flight times and time differences etc and there was nothing we could do but drive back home – me as a wet rag – and DD upset that she wouldn’t now be able to see him arrive as she works on Tuesdays!

Now I am sitting at home waiting to repeat the adventure, though this time fog has descended and his flight is delayed 2 hours! Yesterday the flight arrived 20 mins early.

I just hope he doesn’t fall asleep and miss the flight call!!!!

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