Cosy in Crochet

Well half way through the pain management programme this week and I am so hot in the hotel room now yet when I arrived back here earlier this evening the heater was off in the room and I was very glad I had my crochet blanket with me! As you can see, I used it to keep myself warm whilst the room heated up!

purple and green hand crochet blanket

my crochet blanket keeping me cosy!

so there was a good reason for keeping it instead of selling it!  I am so glad I finally finished it.  I had bought the wool from Abakhan ages ago!

One more full on day tomorrow then back to sewing at home – at least for a short while, remembering the new work practice –

“Take a break before you ache”



Day of rest and the journey into ‘Mindfulness’

Not been a very productive day today 🙁

I had high hopes of today as I really need to increase my handmade items for the Fairangels’ craft fair on March 2nd  but in the end it turned into a day of rest and and reading/watching not making.

It’s not easy some days when pain takes over your mind, but I have been learning about Mindfulness recently and it has been helpful in dealing with difficult situations.  For example, struggling to get out of the car always makes me feel very embarrassed as I imagine what I must look like and what neighbours might be thinking.  Mindfulness has taught me to ‘live in the moment’ not anticipating future problems or predicting what others might be saying, or reliving past hurts, but just being.  It also teaches us  to really notice our surroundings in the moment – so when pulling myself up on the car door in front of the fence I began to study the woodgrain and then the composition of the snow on the ground.  These thoughts filled my your mind and so before I realised I was standing up and hobbling towards the door!

Anyway tonight I am going to practice mindfulness to really take note of the lovely things that the talented crafters over at Wendy’s Handmade Monday 

Driving home in snowstorm

It’s Friday!!!  Driving home tonight in a snowstorm – quite scary!  I’m on a course at the moment so away Wednesday – Friday and it’s always difficult driving home at the end ‘cos i’s shattered!  Tonight was even worse as a horrible snowstorm had started in Knowsley.  The roads were slippy and visibility bad.  I couldn’t wait to get home.

When I left on Wednesday night I was nearly finished making a new mobile ‘phone cover as I had just sold the one of Folksy. I was sewing away trying to finish it before I left and getting more and more tired.  Then I remembered what I had learnt on my course – PACING !!  Also ‘Take a break before you Ache’   – very good advice but oh so hard to follow when you want to finish an item.  So, shouders already beginning to ache, I put down the item and left it unfinished with the needle and thread ready for when I returned.

It was hard leaving it unfinished – it didn’t feel right – but my shoulders did! – much less pain and stiffness from not overdoing it.  So now I am home again and tomorrow I will finish the cover in a very short time – no harm done at all.  i could finish it tonight but, – I don’t think so!  –  Friday night is steak and chips and wine night with husband!!   Bye –  I’m off to scoff and wash it down with nice glass of Merlot 🙂


Well it’s finally snowed on Wirral! We don’t often get snow – it seems to disappear over the Pennines somehow. So today I planned a stay-in-the-craft room day! Maybe I would get some things made?

What happened? DD rang and suggested morning coffee with her friend and her mother (my friend) and our respective grand kids! Woohoo! Sewing? Nooooo Coffee and Cake and Chat and Cuddles-with-babies! Yeeeessssss.

Bye for now – am off to enjoy myself at before I go to the coffee shop!  Congratulations to Wendy for 100 Handmade Harbours!

Making stuff!

Well it’s cold and wintry and I’ve been in the craft room making things for my next craft fair on March 2nd.  I am ever hopeful with these events and I really enjoy meeting other crafters.

I have been making a new set of baby bibs in my cow fabric!  Some patchwork glasses cases and some neat little bed storage bags.  Pictures to follow!

I will be in Neston at the Fair angels craft event. Hope you can come? !!